Along about yesterday, my good buddy Kristina came over with a big pile of white peaches from her yard. Kristina lives in Fallbrook, and she and her family have this fabulous yard full of citrus trees, avocados, and stone fruit. Every once in a while, she asks me if I want some. Do I ever?! […]
Saving the Green Tomato
I mentioned that my garden exploded. What I didn’t mention was the ugly batch of blossom-end rot that came along with it. /: It seems that especially the hybrid tomatoes are bearing so heavily that they can’t get enough calcium, even with supplementing and with plenty of water. My nursery guy suggested that I thin […]
As promised, a brisket update
General verdict: tasty! Specific verdict: Uncle Pasto and I need a bit more learning on how to control a smoker fire. No no no — nothing bad happened. We were using the charcoal from the bottom of the bag, and it seems the smaller pieces burn hotter than the larger ones. We had a hard […]
MISSION CRITICAL: Temple Garden Chowder
One of the downsides to taking a three-day vacation when you’ve got a CSA … OMG, what do you do with all the food when you get back? I’m glad it’s been June-Gloomy today, because this would NOT have been made in hot weather. But it successfully used up a whole pile of veggies I […]
Oh yeah, that zucchini salad
I did promise a post about that too, didn’t I? Last post for the night, and then I’ll be mostly caught up. (: Thanks for bearing with me! So like any crazy person who plants zucchini, we’ve already got plenty growing off of just one plant. And of course, there’s some in the CSA box. […]
Nope, that PB doesn’t stand for peanut butter. It stands for parsnip and bacon. The C is for carrot, and together, they make a pretty awesome sandwich. We’ve been doing a lot of sandwiches lately in the Pasto household — they’re tasty and quick to put together, but you can still dress them up to […]
IMPROV: Sweet Potato-Guacamole Sandwich
Ever have one of those days where you look in the fridge and say to yourself, “Man, what do I DO with this stuff?” I have those often enough that I thought an “improv” section would be appropriate. So, ‘long about Thursday lunchtime, I looked in the fridge and had one of those moments. (Yeah, […]